Sunday, June 27, 2004

A case for cable

The cable bill is a periodic source of discussion around our house. The computer is on a modem, we have VCRs and a DVD player and I listen to music a lot more than I watch TV, and when the TV is on, it's more background than the focus of attention around here.

The arguement in favor always seems to win out, though, and got a little stronger today when I read the NY Times Magazine interview with Ron Reagan and learned he's been hired as a political commentator by MSNBC. I do want to hear more from the guy who says stuff like this...
How do you account for all the glowing obituaries of (RR Sr.)?

I think it was a relief for Americans to look at pictures of something besides men on leashes. If you are going to call yourself a Christian -- and I don't -- then you have to ask yourself a fundamental question, and that is: Whom would Jesus torture? Whom would Jesus drag around on a dog's leash? How can Christians tolerate it?


I have to say that flying on Air Force One sort of spoils you for coach on a regular airline. They did all sorts of little things that were very nice for my mother. They put towels with my father's monogram in the bathroom.

Paper towels?

No, cloth! Burgundy terry towels.

Wow. Why can't they run the United States with that kind of efficiency?

That's a good question. One thing that Buddhism teaches you is that every moment is an opportunity to change. And we will have a moment in November to make a big change.


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