Friday, June 25, 2004

Which side are you on?

Here in the Upper Left, the UFCW contract with Safeway, QFC, Fred Meyer, and Albertsons is about to expire, and the chains are already advertising for scabs. Given the dismal employment picture that has plagued the northwest for the last couple years, they'll no doubt get a lot of takers. Before you fill out that application, though, or think about crossing the picket lines that may be in our future, think a bit about what's at stake.

According to the Seattle Weekly,
At issue is the companies’ move to aggressively cut costs in both wages and health benefits. For example, the top wage for grocery clerks, which currently stands at the far-from-princely rate of $16.85 an hour, would be reduced to $14.20 an hour for new hires. All employees would pay new health insurance premiums of approximately $13 to $77 a month per individual, and as much as 30 percent of medical expenses.
Lower wages and reduced benefits. In the world's richest country, with an exceptionally productive workforce. Finding a non-striking grocer may be inconvenient, but what the employer's consortium is asking for is inexcusable.

You can't scare me, I'm sticking with the union.


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