Saturday, October 30, 2004


I deeply respect your commitment to our nation and your patriotism which, I believe, was forged when you-like I-proudly wore the uniform of the United States Navy in Viet Nam...

Because of the courage and character you demonstrated in Vietnam, I believe you when you say that you'll do a better job than President Bush to win the peace in Iraq, as well as to win the war against terrorism...

John, for each of these reasons I believe President Bush has failed our country and my party. Accordingly, I want you to know that when I go into the booth next Tuesday I am going to cast my vote for you. So will my wife, Mary Jo, and all three of my children: Jason, Bobby and Jenny.

Moreover, I will do all that I can to encourage my friends in New Hampshire and Florida to join me in supporting you.
That's Bob Smith, the former Republican Senator from New Hampshire and Senate candidate in Florida. The man whose commitment to conservative values and issues was so profound and so consistent that it led to a break with his party - not a break to the left, a break to the right.

A man who understands that character counts, and knows where it is in this election. It's kind of astounding, really, but less so when you consider the long list of Republican luminaries he's added his name to, including
Elmer L. Andersen, former Republican Governor of Minnesota
Marlow Cook, former Republican Senator from Kentucky
David Durenberger, former Senator from Minnesota
Pete McCloskey, former Republican Representative from California
William Milliken, former Republican Governor of Michigan
and many more.

There's been so much said about Bush and Rove playing to their base, but you have to wonder if they even know who their base is. If folks like Republican Governors and Senators aren't part of it, well, maybe the time for the Republican Party has (finally!) passed.


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