Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Pogo Principle…

…or, as Riverbend puts it...
Americans constantly tell me, “What do you think will happen if we pull out of Iraq- those same radicals you fear will take over.” The reality is that most Iraqis don’t like fundamentalists and only want stability- most Iraqis wouldn’t stand for an Iran-influenced Iraq. The American military presence is working hand in hand with Badir, etc. because only together with Iran can they suppress anti-occupation Iraqis all over the country. If and when the Americans leave, their Puppets and militias will have to pack up and return to wherever they came from because without American protection and guidance they don’t stand a chance.
Time at last, isn't it, to understand that American withdrawal is a necessary element of Iraqi stability. Whyever we got started, and however we've gone forward, at this point we're clearly making things worse.

For our sake and the sake of the people we have "liberated" and especially for the 2046 already sacrificed


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