Friday, December 23, 2005

If there's anything like a "community"…

…in the lefty blogosphere, we can't let this happen to Jeanne D'Arc.
I'm afraid my computer, which has been wheezing and sputtering for several months, has finally passed away. I can't really afford a new one, and at the moment I can't imagine how I can keep up the blog with the brief times I can borrow my husband's. Until I can save enough money -- anyone have a suggestion about the cheapest possible reliable computer? -- it looks like this blog will have to go on a long, maybe permanent, hiatus.
After some prodding and some agonizing, she's thrown up a tip jar. Everyone should go there and hit it, not because she needs a new computer, but because she continually puts before our eyes something rare, offering real human responses to terrible human suffering with a frankness that most of us have been conditioned to suppress.

Body and Soul is special. We can't let it go if Jeanne's willing to accept our help.


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