Thursday, October 26, 2006

Reichert's monstrousity

FranklySpeaking has been doing an outstanding job analyzing Dave Reichert's voting record in a series of Kos diaries.

Here is his analysis of one "monster" that Reichert voted for:
It came to the floor of the House on November 17, 2005, and wouldn't leave until the 18th. It was known as H.R. 4241, but its victims would likely never know its name. The hungry child, the elderly without medical attention -- they would simply know the misery they experienced, not the horrible beast that was wrought in Congress that fateful day.

Behold the Monster. There in the fine print, in tidy little tables, the true savagery of the monster can be seen. $44 billion cut from education. Billions from Medicaid, from food programs for the poor in the Ag Dept. Altogether, almost $126 billion cut from the federal budget.

But that's looking at the monster through binoculars. What does it look like up close?

Measure the fangs. It cut school lunch programs for 40,000 children. Student loan programs cut by $20 billion. In unspeakable cruelty, it would even allow some of the elderly to be thrown out of their nursing homes.

Child support cut by $15 billion. Foster care cut by $1.2 billion. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cut by $800 million. And in order to raise revenue, it authorizes the sell-off of treasured public lands, including even national parks.
Read the whole thing here.

Update: Also be sure to check out Daniel Kirkdorffer's fantastic analysis of Reichert's voting record.

Finally, there is always this important link to check out....


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